Friday, November 28, 2008

Wednesday, Dec. 3: Poetry Club at the Lowcountry Senior Center, James Island, SC

"Poems: The Path of Surprise"
Poetry Club, Lowcountry Senior Center
Wednesday, Dec. 3
1 p.m.

865 Riverland Drive
James Island, SC 29412
(843) 762-9555
Program by Susan Meyers
Monthly programs sponsored by The Poetry Society of South Carolina

I'm looking forward offering the December program for the Poetry Club of the Lowcountry Senior Center. For the past year or so these monthly programs have been sponsored by The Poetry Society of South Carolina, a statewide organization that exists for poets and friends of poetry--offering readings, seminars, workshops, contests, and other special events.

Here is what I've planned for the Poetry Club on December 3:

Poems: The Path of Surprise

Writing poems should be more than telling anecdotes from a life you already know or describing something you’ve seen. It should take you down a path of surprise. “No surprise for the writer, no surprise for the reader,” Robert Frost wisely noted. For this program we’ll use writing activities and handouts of published poems, as well as discussion, to take us farther down that serendipitous path. We’ll study poems that leap, swerve, and follow their particular logic—then we’ll write our own.

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