July 13th, Jasper Magazine, with the support of Richland Library,
One Columbia, USC Press, and Muddy Ford
Press, released the second volume in Columbia , SC ’s
own literary journal, Fall
Lines – a literary convergence. Edited by Jasper’s Cindi Boiter, Ed
Madden, and Kyle Petersen, and adjudicated by Madden and Julia Elliott, Fall
Lines welcomed thirty-three authors to its pages, contributing poetry, essays,
short fiction, and flash or micro-fiction including Jennifer Bartell, Libby
Bernardin, Rob Bockman, Susan Boyer, Nancy Brock, Fran Cardwell, Tim Conroy,
Karla Cordero, Delia Corrigan, Carla Damron, Debra Daniel, Worthy Evans
(winner of the 2015 Saluda River Prize for Poetry, sponsored by Friends of
Richland Library), Scott Gould, Barbara G. S. Hagerty (winner of the 2015
Carrie McCray Nickens Poetry Fellowship, sponsored by the SC Academy of
Authors), Liesel Hamilton (winner of the 2015 Broad River Prize for Prose,
sponsored by the Friends of Richland Library), Kristine Hartvigsen, Lisa
Hase-Jackson, Ann Herlong-Bodman, Mick Johnson, Susanne Kamata, Len Lawson, Ray
McManus, Susan laughter Meyers, Bo Petersen, Tom Poland, Rachel Richarson
(winner of the 2015 Fellowship in Fiction Award sponsored by the SC Academy of
Authors0, Eileen Scharenbroch, Chris Schumerth, Aries Selwood, Cassie Premo
Steele, Tony Tallent, Ceille Baird Welch, and Mary Whyte.

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